I’ve been doing some analysis in rice for a while. Here is a short post on some resources for the rice GO annotation. Many of them also contain GO info for other species.
Rice Genome Annotation Project aka MSU7. You can download the GOSlim assignment from its FTP website.
agriGO v2.0. It allows you to do GO analysis online. You can also download the GO annotaion files from its website.
PLAZA. Similar with agriGO, PLAZA has many online analysis tools. The functional annotation files can be downloaded from PLAZA website, including GO and InterPro. The PLAZA 4.0 also has Mapman.
Ensembl Plant. The GO, KEGG and some other annotaions can be accessed from online biomart. Or biomaRt and biomartr R packages. Ensembl Plant and Gramene uses RAPDB IDs only.
Phytozome. Similar with Ensembl Plant. It uses MSU7 IDs only. It’s also possible to access GO from PhytzoMine online or through its API.
g:Profiler. I use this for rice most of the time. The backend data is based on Ensembl Plant, so RAPDB IDs only. It has easy to use webiste and gprofiler2 pacakge.
AnnotationHub. The AnnotationHub contains four databases related to Oryza Sativa. Three OrgDB and one Inparanoid8Db. Not sure what’s the difference among three OrgDB. They all uses ENTREZID and REFSEQ.