GO enrichment in maize using Maize-GAMER GO and clusterProfiler

Ji Huang 2020-09-03 1 min read

I’ve been using g:Profiler for GO enrichment for a while. It works great. Bundled with gprofiler2 R package, I can do GO enrichment analysis for many species within R.

Today, I wanted to try the Maize-GAMER GO annotation. And this post is to show how you can use user-defined annotation in clusterProfiler.

See code below.


# Load GAMER.
zmaGO <- readr::read_tsv("https://github.com/timedreamer/public_dataset/raw/master/maize.B73.AGPv4.aggregate.gaf.gz", skip=1) %>% select(term_accession, db_object_id)

# Load GO_ID to GO_annotation mapping.
GOname <- readr::read_tsv("https://github.com/timedreamer/public_dataset/raw/master/agriGOv2_GOConsortium_term_v201608.txt.gz", col_names = c("GO","type","name","number")) %>% select(GO, name)

# Run GO enrichment.

ego <- enricher(gene = unique(zmaGO$db_object_id[1:100]), 
                TERM2GENE =  zmaGO, TERM2NAME = GOname)
barplot(ego, showCategory=20)


  1. When loading GAMER, there is a warning Warning: 2 parsing failures.. You can ignore it.
  2. I also tried go.obofrom http://geneontology.org/docs/download-ontology/. More GOs overlap with GAMER in the AgriGO mapping than this one. So I go with AgriGO (see below for the numbers).
# Some quick check. Skip.
## A few GOs in GAMER are not in the annotation mapping.
## How many GOs in GAMER?
length(unique(zmaGO$term_accession)) # 9336
# length(unique(GOname$GO))
## How many GOs overlap between GAMER and annotation mapping? 
length(intersect(unique(zmaGO$term_accession), unique(GOname$GO))) # 9304
  1. To parse the go.obo file, I used sgrote/OboToTerm. Works very well.