rclone between local and Google Drive

Ji Huang 2023-07-24 2 min read

It’s very easy to use rclone to transfer files between linux local and cloud services, e.g. Google Drive. NYU has a help page on setting rclone on Greene, Transferring Cloud Storage Data with rclone.

This post is a quick go-to guide on transfering files, assuming you alrady set up to correct link between local and Google Drive.

I set up the Google Drive as jhGDrive. You can check the name using rclone config.

  1. tar -cf test.tar test_files/. This is to tar multiple files or directories into one .tar file for quicker transfer. The -c option tells tar to create a new archive and the -f option specifies the name of the archive file. You can also add -z if you want to use the gzip to compress.

  2. ssh gdtn. Connect to data transfer node from Greene. detail

  3. module load rclone/1.60.1.

  4. rclone copy test.tar jhGDrive:hpc_uploads. The jhGDrive is the Google drive link name that you set up. The hpc_uploads is the folder name.

  5. rclone copy jhGDrive:hpc_uploads/test.tar .. This is the transfer cloud file to local.


To find out what folders will be purged from $SCRATCH, use the following command. This will returns the folders up to depth 3. Just change the -f1-5 to get to the 4th depth.

cut -d'/' -f1-4 /scratch/cleanup/60days-files/20240229/jh6577 | sort | uniq